/* * File: Header file to use DS3231 RTC module with PIC16F877A * Author: B.Aswinth Raj * Created on 5 May, 2018, 10:06 PM * Connect the RTC module to SDA and SCK pins of the PIC. * This header needs the PIC16f877a_I2C.h header to compile */ //PIN 18 -> RC3 -> SCL //PIN 23 -> RC4 ->SDA /****** Functions for RTC module *******/ #include "ds3231.h" #include "i2c.h" #include "main.h" int BCD_2_DEC(int to_convert) { return (to_convert >> 4) * 10 + (to_convert & 0x0F); } int DEC_2_BCD(int to_convert) { return ((to_convert / 10) << 4) + (to_convert % 10); } unsigned int Get_DayOfWeek(unsigned int y, unsigned int m, unsigned int d) { return (d += m < 3 ? y-- : y - 2, 23*m/9 + d + 4 + y/4- y/100 + y/400)%7 + 1; // 01 - 07, 01 = Sunday } void Read_Alarms_Temp() { I2C_Master_Start(); // Start I2C I2C_Master_Write(0xD0); // RTC chip address I2C_Master_Write(0x07); // (alarm1 seconds register) I2C_Master_Repeated_Start(); // Restart I2C //READ I2C_Master_Write(0xD1); // Initialize data read alarm1_sec = BCD_2_DEC(I2C_Master_Read(1)); // Read alarm1 seconds 07h alarm1_min = BCD_2_DEC(I2C_Master_Read(1)); // Read alarm1 minutes 08h alarm1_hour = BCD_2_DEC(I2C_Master_Read(1)); // Read alarm1 hours 09h I2C_Master_Read(1); // skip alarm1 day/date 0Ah alarm2_min = BCD_2_DEC(I2C_Master_Read(1)); // Read alarm2 minutes 0Bh alarm2_hour = BCD_2_DEC(I2C_Master_Read(1)); // Read alarm2 hours 0Ch I2C_Master_Read(1); // Skip alarm2 day/date 0Dh control_reg = I2C_Master_Read(1); // Read control register 0Eh status_reg = I2C_Master_Read(1); // Read status register 0Fh I2C_Master_Read(1); // Skip aging offset register temperature_msb = I2C_Master_Read(1); // Read temperature MSB 011h temperature_lsb = I2C_Master_Read(0); // Read temperature LSB 012h I2C_Master_Stop(); } void Set_Date() { I2C_Master_Start(); // Start I2C I2C_Master_Write(0xD0); // RTC Chip address I2C_Master_Write(4); // send register address I2C_Master_Write(DEC_2_BCD(date)); //update date I2C_Master_Write(DEC_2_BCD(month)); //update month I2C_Master_Write(DEC_2_BCD(year)); //update year I2C_Master_Stop(); } void Set_DayOfWeek(int dow) { I2C_Master_Start(); // Start I2C I2C_Master_Write(0xD0); // RTC Chip address I2C_Master_Write(3); // send register address I2C_Master_Write(dow); //update day of week I2C_Master_Stop(); } void Set_Sqwe(int contvalue) { I2C_Master_Start(); // Start I2C I2C_Master_Write(0xD0); // RTC Chip address I2C_Master_Write(0x0E); // Control register address I2C_Master_Write(contvalue); // Data to control register I2C_Master_Stop(); } void Set_Time() { I2C_Master_Start(); // Start I2C I2C_Master_Write(0xD0); // RTC Chip address I2C_Master_Write(0); // send register address I2C_Master_Write(DEC_2_BCD(sec)); //update sec I2C_Master_Write(DEC_2_BCD(min)); //update min I2C_Master_Write(DEC_2_BCD(hour)); //update hour I2C_Master_Stop(); } void Update_Current_Date_Time() { //START to Read I2C_Master_Start(); I2C_Master_Write(0xD0); // RTC Chip address I2C_Master_Write(0); I2C_Master_Repeated_Start(); // Restart I2C //READ I2C_Master_Write(0xD1); // Initialize data read sec = BCD_2_DEC(I2C_Master_Read(1)); // Read sec from register 00h min = BCD_2_DEC(I2C_Master_Read(1)); // Read min from register 01h hour = BCD_2_DEC(I2C_Master_Read(1)); // Read hour from register 02h day = I2C_Master_Read(1); // Read day from register 03h date = BCD_2_DEC(I2C_Master_Read(1)); // Read date from register 04h month = BCD_2_DEC(I2C_Master_Read(1)); // Read month from register 05h year = BCD_2_DEC(I2C_Master_Read(1)); // Read year from register 06h I2C_Master_Stop(); //END Reading I2C_Master_Start(); I2C_Master_Write(0xD1); I2C_Master_Read(1); I2C_Master_Stop(); } void Write_Alarms() { I2C_Master_Start(); // Start I2C I2C_Master_Write(0xD0); // RTC Chip Address I2C_Master_Write(7); // Send Alarm1 register address I2C_Master_Write(0); // Write 0 to Alarm1 seconds I2C_Master_Write(DEC_2_BCD(alarm1_min)); // Write Alarm1 minutes I2C_Master_Write(DEC_2_BCD(alarm1_hour)); // Write Alarm1 hours I2C_Master_Write(0x80); // Alarm1 when H:M:S matches I2C_Master_Write(DEC_2_BCD(alarm2_min)); // Write Alarm2 minutes I2C_Master_Write(DEC_2_BCD(alarm2_hour)); // Write Alarm2 hours I2C_Master_Write(0x80); // Alarm2 when H:M:S matches //Write data to control register (enable interupt when alarm); I2C_Master_Write(4 | alarm1_status | (alarm2_status << 1)); I2C_Master_Write(0); // Clear alarm flag bits I2C_Master_Stop(); // Stop I2C __delay_ms(200); // Wait 200ms }