This is a beta testing build script. Look through the script before using it. This script is updated along with the GIT version of the book. I got bored building everything manually and wanted to have an automated process to create build scripts using commands dumped from the book. A user can download the book and select targets to dump commands like this: git clone git:// cd cross-lfs/BOOK For x86 commands do: make RENDERDIR=/mnt/clfs/sources ARCHS=x86 dump-commands or use RENDERDIR=$CLFS/sources (make sure CLFS variable is set.) make help will show other targets. The xml of the CLFS book isn't perfect and some commands may not be extracted properly. It is recommended that the dumped commands for cross-tools, temp-system, and final-system be reviewed before continuing. Set the variables at the top of the create-commands script. The variables are set assuming /mnt/clfs/sources is the home directory of the dumped commands, the created scripts, and where the build will take place. The case1 and case2 scripts are what I used to quickly create the case constructs in the main script and is incomplete. The build scripts require, for now, that all packages be compressed with xz. If your sources will have different extensions, you can edit the createfiles script and edit them manually. Compress all the source with xz using the following command: gunzip *.gz *.tgz && bunzip2 *.bz2 && xz -vv *.tar (Use compression options at your descretion such as -e or -9) Run the script as the clfs user as created in Chapter 4. Otherwise, the script will expand the wrong $HOME variable to the scripts. The reason is that the script should be ran after the clfs user is added and the environment is created prioer to chapter 5. The TESTS variable can be set to remove the check commands so that tests are not ran. Set the TESTS variable accordingly. It is a good idea to view the scripts manually before execution to make sure all looks well and nothing is missing or ovbious. Contact Berzerkula at Freenode IRC #Cross-LFS or email kb0iic at gmail dot com.