How to edit the LFS-BOOK ------------------------ This document explains the necessary steps to be taken in order to make changes to the LFS-BOOK. Not every single aspect is detailed, just the more tricky ones. * No matter what, always make the following changes whenever you do something: Whenever you make a change, no matter how small, update the book's version number: 1) Open the index.xml file. 2) Find and make sure it contains the date on which you are making the change. If today is June 11th, 2001, change it to and make sure it contains the same date as the 'version' entity. If today is June 11th, 2001, change it to: * Updating a package's version Follow these steps in order to change a package (for example when you tested a newer version and want to include it in the book). Let's assume you're upgrading to bash-2.05. 1) Download bash-2.05 to the server in the /home/ftp/conglomeration directory. If the file isn't compressed with bzip2, but with gzip for example, ungzip it, then bzip2 it. 2) Enter the /home/ftp/cvs directory. 3) Remove the symlink that points to the previous version of the package. 4) You can remove the real file from the /home/ftp/conglomeration directory only is you are absolutely sure that there are no other books currently online that use that package version. If you don't remember which book versions are online right now, check the LFS website. 5) Make a new symlink by running the following command: ln -s ../conglomeration/bash-2.05.tar.bz2 6) Obtain the file size of the new package (run ls -l /home/ftp/conglomeration/packagename). Divide this number by 1024 and remember the result. 7) Enter the /home/ftp directory and create a new lfs-packages tarball. If today is June 11th, 2001 1:09 PM, run the following: tar cvfh lfs-packages-cvs-20010611-1309.tar cvs mv lfs-packages-cvs-20010611-1309.tar cvs (use the current date and time on the LFS server, not your local time if it differs) The reason for adding the hour and minute is that one may end up creating more than one tarball a day and it's easier this way to find out which packages file was being used in case there are a lot of updates. 8) Obtain the file size of the newly created tarball by running ls -l, divide the number by 1024 and remeber the result. 9) Open the index.xml file. 10) At the bottom of the file find the ENTITY that belongs to the package. You'll find it as . Change the bash-version entity as follows: 11) Edit the entity and update the file name to match the name of the tarball you just created. 12) Edit the entity and update the file name to match the name of the new tarball you just created. 13) Open the chapter3/bash.xml file. 14) Enter the new size that you calculated in step 6. 15) Open the chapter3/all.xml file. 16) Update the file size to match the value you calculated in step 8. 17) Open the chapter3/packages.xml file, scroll to the bottom of the file and enter the same size as you entered in the previous step. Also divide this number by 1024 and enter the result as the MB value between brackets. 18) Open chapter1/changelog.xml and add the package to the list. Please don't use the "du -h" command to obtain the file size. The result of du is not acurate enough (it doesn't report the actual file size, but the size of clusters the file is using). If you are updating more than one package at the same time, don't re-create the tarball every time. Just update all the symlinks and create a new tarball once that includes all your updated packages. * Adding a new package update to Bugzilla 1) Login to bugzilla 2) Open bug #30 3) Check if the package is listed from a previous update 4) If so, reopen it and change the version number to match the new one 5) If not, add a new bug and fill it out as usual 6) When added, go back to the new bug and under "Bug xx depends on" enter "30" so that this new bug is added to the parent bug #30 7) Click on "Commit" to commit this change