How to unsubscribe?
To unsubscribe from a list, send an email to and write unsubscribe
listname as the subject header of the message.
You can, if you want, unsubscribe from multiple lists at the same time
using one email. If you want to do so, write some junk as the
subject header, something that isn't a valid command like "hello". Then
write the unsubscribe commands in the body of the message. The email
will look like:
Subject: hello
unsubscribe lfs-discuss
unsubscribe lfs-apps
unsubscribe alfs-discuss
After you have sent the email, the Listar program will send you an
email back requesting a confirmation of your unsubscription
request. After you have sent back this confirmation email, Listar will
send you an email again with the message that you have been unsubscribed
from the list(s).