%general-entities; ]> What's new since the last release Below is a list of package updates made since the previous release of the book. Upgraded to: Binutils &binutils-version; Bison &bison-version; Check &check-version; DejaGNU &dejagnu-version; Diffutils &diffutils-version; File &file-version; GCC &gcc-version; Gettext &gettext-version; IPRoute2 &iproute2-version; Kmod &kmod-version; Less &less-version; Libpipeline &libpipeline-version; Linux &linux-version; Man-pages &man-pages-version; MPFR &mpfr-version; Perl &perl-version; Procps-ng &procps-ng-version; Texinfo &texinfo-version; Tzdata &tzdata-version; Udev &systemd-version; (extracted from systemd-&systemd-version;) Util-Linux &util-linux-version; Zlib &zlib-version; Added: bc &bc-version; &bash-fixes-patch; &perl-libc-patch; Removed: bash-4.2-fixes-11.patch binutils-2.23.1-testsuite_fix-1.patch perl-5.16.2-libc-1.patch