Mounting the new partition Now that we've created a file system, we want to be able to access the partition. For that, we need to mount it, and have to choose a mount point. In this book we assume that the file system is mounted under /mnt/lfs, but it doesn't matter what directory you choose. Choose a mount point and assign it to the LFS environment variable by running: export LFS=/mnt/lfs Now create the mount point and mount the LFS file system by running: mkdir -p $LFS && mount /dev/xxx $LFS Replace xxx with the designation of the LFS partition. (If you decided to use multiple partitions for LFS (say one for / and another for /usr), mount them like this: mkdir -p $LFS && mount /dev/xxx $LFS && mkdir $LFS/usr && mount /dev/yyy $LFS/usr Of course, replace xxx and yyy with the appropriate partition names.) Now that we've made ourselves a place to work in, we're ready to begin assembling the temporary tools in the next chapter.