Setting up Basic Networking
Here will be set up basic networking now that all the necessary
software has been installed. There isn't all that much to do, really,
just creating a basic /etc/hosts file, and downloading some very
high-quality network information files.
The first step is to create /etc/hosts. This file contains
information allowing resolution of hostnames to IP addresses. Create a
very basic one (we'll make a better one later) with the following
echo ' localhost' > /etc/hosts
Now unpack the Lfs-Utils tarball again, as we're going to copy two
necessary files from it. One is the /etc/services file, which is used to
resolv service numbers to human-readable names, and the /etc/protocols
file, which does the same for protocol numbers. Copy them with the
following command after you have entered the Lfs-Utils directory:
cp -f etc/{services,protocols} /etc