Changing ownership of the LFS partition
Now we're in chroot, it is a good time to change the ownership of
all files and directories that were installed in chapter 5 back to root.
Run the following commands to do so:
chown 0:0 / /proc &&
chown -R 0:0 /{bin,boot,dev,etc,home,lib,mnt,opt,root,sbin,tmp,usr,var}
Depending on the filesystem you created on the LFS partition, you may
have a /lost+found directory. If so, run:
chown 0:0 /lost+found
These commands will change the ownership of the root partition and
the /proc directory to root, plus everything under
the directories mentioned in the second line. In these commands, 0:0 is
used instead of the usual root:root, because the username root can't be
resolved because glibc is not yet installed.