Configuring Shadow
This package contains utilities to modify users' passwords, add
or delete users and groups, and the like. We're not going to explain what
'password shadowing' means. A full explanation can be found in the
file within the unpacked Shadow source tree. There's one
thing to keep in mind if you decide to use Shadow support: programs that
need to verify passwords (for example xdm, ftp daemons, pop3 daemons) need
to be 'shadow-compliant', that is they need to be able to work with
shadowed passwords.
To enable shadowed passwords, run the following command:
And to enable shadowed group passwords, run the following
Under normal circumstances, you won't have created any passwords yet.
However, if returning to this section to enable shadowing, you should reset any
current user passwords with the passwd command or any
group passwords with the gpasswd command.