Installation of Lilo
We have chosen Lilo as a boot loader because we feel comfortable with it, but you
may wish to choose another. Fabio Fracassi has written a hint on
GRUB, which is available at .
Compile Lilo:
And finish off installing the package:
make install
It appears that compilation of this package fails on certain machines
when the -g compiler flag is used. If you can't compile
Lilo at all, you should try to remove the -g value from
the CFLAGS variable in the Makefile file.
At the end of the installation, a message will appear stating that
/sbin/lilo has to be executed. This is pointless because
the /etc/lilo.conf file isn't present yet. We will
complete the installation of lilo in Chapter 8.
The standard LILO prompt, or menu, may be replaced by the
LFS logo or any logo you like. Martin Imobersteg has written a
hint about this, which is located at