Installing Perl-&perl-version; The Perl package contains the Practical Extraction and Report Language. &buildtime; &perl-time; &diskspace; &perl-compsize; Official download location for Perl (&perl-version;): &aa-perl-dep;    Installation of Perl If you want full control over the way Perl is set up, you can run the interactive Configure script and hand-pick the way this package is built. If, however, you guess you can live with the (sensible) defaults it auto-detects, then prepare Perl for compilation with: ./configure.gnu --prefix=/usr -Dpager="/bin/less -isR" The meaning of the configure option: -Dpager="/bin/less -isR": This corrects an error in the perldoc code with the invocation of the less program. Compile the package: make This package has a test suite available which can perform a number of checks to ensure it built correctly. Should you choose to run it, you first have to create a basic /etc/hosts file, needed by a couple of tests to resolve the name localhost: echo " localhost $(hostname)" > /etc/hosts Now run the tests, if you wish: make test And install the package: make install &aa-perl-shortdesc; &aa-perl-desc;