%general-entities; ]> Creating the passwd, group, and log Files Create the /etc/passwd file: cat > /etc/passwd << "EOF" root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash EOF Create the /etc/group file: cat > /etc/group << "EOF" root:x:0: bin:x:1: sys:x:2: kmem:x:3: tty:x:4: tape:x:5: daemon:x:6: floppy:x:7: disk:x:8: lp:x:9: dialout:x:10: audio:x:11: video:x:12: utmp:x:13: usb:x:14: EOF Start a new shell: exec /tools/bin/bash --login +h Initialize the log files and give them their proper permissions: touch /var/run/utmp /var/log/{btmp,lastlog,wtmp} chgrp utmp /var/run/utmp /var/log/lastlog chmod 664 /var/run/utmp /var/log/lastlog