Installation of Shadow Password Suite
Before you install this package, you may want to have a look at the
lfs hint. It discusses how you can make your system more secure regarding
passwords and how to get the most out of this Shadow package.
Install the Shadow Password Suite by running the
following commands:
cp src/useradd.c src/useradd.c.backup &&
sed 's/\(.*\) (nflg || \(.*\))\(.*\)/\1\2\3/' \
src/useradd.c.backup > src/useradd.c &&
./configure --prefix=/usr &&
make &&
make install &&
cd etc &&
cp limits login.access /etc &&
sed 's%/var/spool/mail%/var/mail%' login.defs.linux > /etc/login.defs &&
cd /lib &&
mv libshadow.*a /usr/lib &&
ln -sf &&
cd /usr/lib &&
ln -sf ../../lib/ &&
cd /usr/sbin &&
ln -sf vipw vigr &&
cd /usr/share/man/man8 &&
ln -sf vipw.8 vigr.8