Installation of Vim If you don't like vim to be installed as an editor on the LFS system, you may want to download an alternative and install an editor he prefers. There are a few hints how to install different editors available at Both the vim-rt and vim-src packages need to be unpacked to install Vim. Both packages will unpack their files into the vim-5.7 directory. This won't overwrite any files from the other package. So it doesn't matter in which order it is done. Install Vim by running the following commands:
./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install && cd /usr/bin && ln -s vim vi
If you plan on installing the X Window system on his LFS system, you might want to re-compile Vim after he has installed X. Vim comes with a nice GUI version of the editor which requires X and a few other libraries to be installed. For more information read the Vim documentation.