Installation of Vim If a user doesn't like vim to be installed as an editor on the LFS system, he may want to download an alternative and install an editor he prefers. There are a few hints how to install different editors available at Both the vim-rt and vim-src packages need to be unpacked to install Vim. Both packages will unpack their files into the vim-5.7 directory. This won't overwrite any files from the other package. So it doesn't mattter in which order it is done. Install Vim by running the following commands:
./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install && cd /usr/bin && ln -s vim vi
If a user plans on installing the X Window system on his LFS system, he might want to re-compile Vim after he has installed X. Vim comes with a nice GUI version of the editor which requires X and a few other libraries to be installed. For more information read the Vim documentation.