%general-entities; ]> Configuring the Linux console console configuring cat >/etc/sysconfig/console <<"EOF" KEYMAP="[arguments for loadkeys]" FONT="[arguments for setfont]" EOF If you see that keycode 14 is Backspace and not Delete, create the following keymap snippet to fix this issue: mkdir -p /etc/kbd && cat >/etc/kbd/bs-sends-del <<"EOF" keycode 14 = Delete Delete Delete Delete alt keycode 14 = Meta_Delete altgr alt keycode 14 = Meta_Delete keycode 111 = Remove altgr control keycode 111 = Boot control alt keycode 111 = Boot altgr control alt keycode 111 = Boot EOF Then tell the console script to load this snippet after the main keymap: cat >>/etc/sysconfig/console <<"EOF" KEYMAP_CORRECTION="/etc/kbd/bs-sends-del" EOF