%general-entities; ]> pkgconf &pkgconf-version;
Pkgconf-&pkgconf-version; Pkgconf <para>The pkgconf package is a successor to pkg-config and contains a tool for passing the include path and/or library paths to build tools during the configure and make phases of package installations.</para> <segmentedlist> <segtitle>&buildtime;</segtitle> <segtitle>&diskspace;</segtitle> <seglistitem> <seg>&pkgconf-fin-sbu;</seg> <seg>&pkgconf-fin-du;</seg> </seglistitem> </segmentedlist> </sect2> <sect2 role="installation"> <title>Installation of Pkgconf Fix a regression in pkgconf-2.0.3 breaking BLFS packages: sed -i 's/str\(cmp.*package\)/strn\1, strlen(pkg->why)/' cli/main.c Prepare Pkgconf for compilation: ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-static \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/pkgconf-&pkgconf-version; Compile the package: make Install the package: make install To maintain compatibility with the original Pkg-config create two symlinks: ln -sv pkgconf /usr/bin/pkg-config ln -sv pkgconf.1 /usr/share/man/man1/pkg-config.1 Contents of Pkgconf Installed programs Installed library Installed directory pkgconf, pkg-config (link to pkgconf), and bomtool libpkgconf.so /usr/share/doc/pkgconf-&pkgconf-version; Short Descriptions pkgconf Returns meta information for the specified library or package pkgconf bomtool Generates a Software Bill Of Materials from pkg-config .pc files bomtool libpkgconf Contains most of pkgconf's functionality, while allowing other tools like IDEs and compilers to use its frameworks libpkgconf