This book is divided into the following four parts:
Part I explains in some detail how the LFS system is built, lists the
changes made to the book since the last version, and gives hints on how to
find help in case you run into trouble.
Part II describes how to prepare for the building process: making a
partition, downloading the packages, setting up a good working environment,
and compiling temporary tools.
Part III guides you through the building of the LFS system: compiling
and installing all the packages one by one, setting up the boot scripts, and
installing the kernel. The resulting basic Linux system is the foundation
upon which you can build other software, to extend your system in the way
you like.
Part IV consists of two appendices. The first is an alphabetical list of
all the installed packages, and the second an alphabetical list of all the
installed programs and libraries, mentioning which package installed it.