1 REM clock.bas 2 REM by Scott Baker, http://www.smbaker.com/ 3 REM Demonstrates use of BQ4845 RTC on Z80 RC2014 computer 5 REM set 24-hour mode 6 OUT &HCE, 2 10 LS=999 20 GOSUB 1000 30 if (LS = S) GOTO 100 40 LS = S 50 GOSUB 2000 60 print T$ 70 REM for the display board, output seconds on the LEDs 80 OUT 0, S 100 GOTO 20 998 REM read the current time from the RTC 999 REM store it in the variables H, M, S. 1000 X=inp(&HC0) 1010 S=(X and 15) + INT(X/16)*10 1020 X=inp(&HC2) 1030 M=(X and 15) + INT(X/16)*10 1040 X=inp(&HC4) 1050 H=(X and 15) + (INT(X/16) and 3)*10 1060 RETURN 1999 REM format H, M, S into a string T$ 2000 T$="" 2010 if (H>9) GOTO 2030 2020 T$=T$+"0" 2030 T$=T$+right$(str$(H),len(str$(H))-1) 2040 T$=T$+":" 2050 if (M>9) GOTO 2070 2060 T$=T$+"0" 2070 T$=T$+right$(str$(M),len(str$(M))-1) 2080 T$=T$+":" 2090 if (S>9) GOTO 2110 2100 T$=T$+"0" 2110 T$=T$+right$(str$(S),len(str$(S))-1) 2120 RETURN 2999 REM set the clock using H, M, S 3000 TS=INT(S/10) 3010 OS=S-(TS*10) 3020 OUT &HC0, TS*16 + OS 3030 TM=INT(M/10) 3040 OM=M-(TM*10) 3050 OUT &HC2, TM*16 + OM 3060 TH=INT(H/10) 3070 OH=H-(TH*10) 3080 OUT &HC4, TH*16 + OH 3090 RETURN