# # Top level project Makefile for "speak". # $ProjectHeader: speak 0.4 Mon, 24 Mar 1997 12:25:37 -0500 dyfet $ # Copyright (c) 1997 by Tycho Softworks. # # Targets: # [none] default as 'make all' # [all] create config if missing, then build all # [install] build and install spo server and utils # [dist] create distribution archive # [web] build online (web) published distribution # [clean] clean up a build # [config] build initial configuration # [reconfig] rebuild changed configuration # [diag] send diagnostic e-mail # [get] and [put] replicate source tree # Insert any default configuration values in CONFIGURE. CONFIGURE= # Internal use for source tree replication SOURCES = /mnt/share/source/shared/speak EXCLUDE = --exclude Makefile --exclude config.cache RSYNC = rsync -auSC $(EXCLUDE) all: config @cd sdk/std ; make @cd sdk/dev ; make @cd sdk/net ; make @cd sdk/other ; make @cd sdk/proc ; make @cd spo256 ; make @cd utils ; make get: $(RSYNC) $(SOURCES)/* . ./config put: $(RSYNC) * $(SOURCES) install: @cd spo256 ; make install @cd utils ; make install dist: @cp -f /etc/speak.conf spo256 @sdk/bin/dist $(DISTDIR) web: @sdk/bin/disthtml $(HTMLDIR) $(MANDIR) clean: @cd sdk/std ; make clean @cd sdk/net ; make clean @cd sdk/dev ; make clean @cd sdk/other ; make clean @cd sdk/proc ; make clean @cd spo256 ; make clean @cd utils ; make clean @build/clean config: @echo "Creating Speak Project Configuration ---" @sdk/bin/config reconfig: -@rm config.cache @sdk/bin/config diag: @sdk/bin/diag | mail -s "Speak Diagnostic Report" dyfet@tycho.com