[interface] # Serial device for card device=/dev/ttyS1 # Baud rate for card speed=9600 # Parity (odd, even, or none) for card parity=none # Set flow control 0=NONE 1=HARD 2=SOFT 3=FULL flowctrl=0 [vmon] # Where is server running server = localhost # Time of day to mute mute = 20-6 # How many minutes before checking for new mail, etc. interval = 5 # How many times per hour should vmon announce system status? frequency = 1 # Mailbox prefix directory maildir = /var/spool/mail # Mailboxes to monitor for new mail announcements mailbox = root dragonfyr [down] # How many seconds in count-down timer = 10 # Program to halt halt = /sbin/reboot # Where is our server? server = localhost [words] broadcast=brawdcast online=on lyne offline=off lyne dragonfyr=dragonfire tycho=tyko nineteen=9 teen drives=dryves www=w w w [abbrev] dr.=doctor mr.=mister mrs.=misses ms.=miss