BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterUse explicit label with for and id attributes connected to an input or textarea.William Harrington3 days
v1.0.0commit 10033b0124...William Harrington7 days
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
3 daysUse explicit label with for and id attributes connected to an input or textarea.HEADmasterWilliam Harrington5-59/+59
3 daysAdd a valid lang attribute.William Harrington1-1/+1
3 daysUse BuilddbConstants for role.William Harrington7-18/+26
3 daysAdd tests for PKG Add/Edit and Account Registration postmappings.William Harrington1-8/+68
3 daysUpdate Account controller test for new redirect to login after successful reg...William Harrington1-18/+34
3 daysRemove unused Id getter.William Harrington1-4/+0
3 daysAfter successful registration, redirect to login with a registrationSuccess p...William Harrington3-14/+9
3 daysCreate WHITELIST, ADMINLIST, CLIENTLIST and adjust dashboard test for client ...William Harrington3-15/+9
4 daysfilter /logout for authenticated and not permitall.William Harrington1-1/+1
4 daysSet root logging to info.William Harrington1-1/+1