diff options
authorWilliam Harrington <kb0iic@berzerkula.org>2014-01-27 00:14:00 -0600
committerWilliam Harrington <kb0iic@berzerkula.org>2014-01-27 00:14:00 -0600
commit6ef6e302ac936a23f4ac9b11f424b33119ba6f0e (patch)
Initial commit.
5 files changed, 1094 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5694a7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+This is a beta testing build script. Look through the script before using it.
+This script is updated along with the GIT version of the book.
+I got bored building everything manually and wanted to have an automated
+process to create build scripts using commands dumped from the book.
+A user can download the book and select targets to dump commands like this:
+git clone git://git.cross-lfs.org/cross-lfs.git
+cd cross-lfs/BOOK
+For x86 commands do: make RENDERDIR=/mnt/clfs/sources ARCHS=x86 dump-commands
+ or use RENDERDIR=$CLFS/sources (make sure CLFS variable is set.)
+make help will show other targets.
+The xml of the CLFS book isn't perfect and some commands may not be extracted
+properly. It is recommended that the dumped commands for cross-tools,
+temp-system, and final-system be reviewed before continuing.
+Set the variables at the top of the create-commands script.
+The variables are set assuming /mnt/clfs/sources is the home directory of
+the dumped commands, the created scripts, and where the build will take place.
+The case1 and case2 scripts are what I used to quickly create the case
+constructs in the main script and is incomplete.
+The build scripts require, for now, that all packages be compressed with xz.
+If your sources will have different extensions, you can edit the createfiles
+script and edit them manually.
+Compress all the source with xz using the following command:
+gunzip *.gz *.tgz && bunzip2 *.bz2 && xz -vv *.tar
+(Use compression options at your descretion such as -e or -9)
+Run the create-commands.sh script as the clfs user as created in Chapter 4.
+Otherwise, the script will expand the wrong $HOME variable to the scripts.
+The reason is that the script should be ran after the clfs user is added
+and the environment is created prioer to chapter 5.
+The TESTS variable can be set to remove the check commands so that tests are not ran.
+Set the TESTS variable accordingly.
+It is a good idea to view the scripts manually before execution to make sure all
+looks well and nothing is missing or ovbious.
+Contact Berzerkula at Freenode IRC #Cross-LFS or email kb0iic at gmail dot com.
diff --git a/case1.sh b/case1.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e1935a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/case1.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+for pkg in autoconf automake bash binutils bison bootscripts bzip2 cloog coreutils dejagnu dhcpcd diffutils e2fsprogs eglibc expect file findutils flex gawk gcc gettext gmp grep groff gzip hfsutils iana-etc iproute2 iputils kbd kmod less libee libestr libtool linux m4 make man man-pages mpc mpfr ncurses parted powerpcutils patch perl pkg-config ppl procps psmisc readline rsyslog sed shadow sysvinit tar tcl texinfo udev vim xz yaboot zlib; do
+upkg=`echo $pkg | sed 's/./\u&/g'`
+echo -e " '$pkg')\n echo 'tar xf $pkg-\$$upkg.tar.xz && cd $pkg-\$$upkg' >> \$$SRCDIR/\$$build.sh;\n ;;"
diff --git a/case2.sh b/case2.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..524b26d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/case2.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+for pkg in autoconf automake bash binutils bison bootscripts bzip2 cloog coreutils dejagnu dhcpcd diffutils e2fsprogs eglibc expect file findutils flex gawk gcc gettext gmp grep groff gzip hfsutils iana-etc iproute2 iputils kbd kmod less libee libestr libtool linux m4 make man man-pages mpc mpfr ncurses parted powerpcutils patch perl pkg-config ppl procps psmisc readline rsyslog sed shadow sysvinit tar tcl texinfo udev vim xz yaboot zlib; do
+upkg=`echo $pkg | sed 's/./\u&/g'`
+echo -e " '$pkg')\n echo 'cd .. && rm -rf $pkg-\$$upkg' >> \$$SRCDIR/\$$build.sh;\n ;;";
diff --git a/clfs-latest-files.php b/clfs-latest-files.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d981da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clfs-latest-files.php
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+$dirs = array();
+$vers = array();
+date_default_timezone_set( "America/Chicago" );
+$date = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" );
+// Special cases
+$exceptions = array();
+$exceptions[ 'gmp' ] = "UPDIR=/.*(gmp-\d[\d\.-]*\d).*/:DOWNDIR=";
+$regex = array();
+$regex[ 'bzip2' ] = "/^.*current version is ([\d\.]+).*$/";
+$regex[ 'expect' ] = "/^.*Download expect([\d\.]+)\.tar.*$/";
+$regex[ 'less' ] = "/^.*current released version is less-(\d+).*$/";
+$regex[ 'mpc' ] = "/^Version ([\d\.]+).*$/";
+$regex[ 'mpfr' ] = "/^mpfr-([\d\.]+)\.tar.*$/";
+$regex[ 'sysvinit' ] = "/^.*sysvinit-([\d\.]+)dsf\.tar.*$/";
+$regex[ 'tcl' ] = "/^.*Download tcl([\d\.]+)-src.*$/";
+$regex[ 'tzdata' ] = "/^.*tzdata([\d]+[a-z]).*$/";
+$regex[ 'xz' ] = "/^.*xz-([\d\.]*\d).*$/";
+$regex[ 'zlib' ] = "/^.*zlib ([\d\.]*\d).*$/";
+function find_max( $lines, $regex_match, $regex_replace )
+ $a = array();
+ foreach ( $lines as $line )
+ {
+ if ( ! preg_match( $regex_match, $line ) ) continue;
+ // Isolate the version and put in an array
+ $slice = preg_replace( $regex_replace, "$1", $line );
+ if ( $slice == $line ) continue;
+ array_push( $a, $slice );
+ }
+ // SORT_NATURAL requires php-5.4.0 or later
+ rsort( $a, SORT_NATURAL ); // Max version is at the top
+ return ( isset( $a[0] ) ) ? $a[0] : 0;
+function http_get_file( $url )
+ $r = new HttpRequest( $url, HttpRequest::METH_GET );
+ $r->setOptions( array('redirect' => 3) );
+ try
+ {
+ $r->send();
+ if ($r->getResponseCode() == 200)
+ {
+ $dir = $r->getResponseBody();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //echo "Respose code " . $r->getResponseCode() . "($package)\n";
+ //echo $r->getResponseBody() . "($package)\n";
+ return "-2";
+ }
+ }
+ catch (HttpException $ex)
+ {
+ //echo $ex;
+ return "-3";
+ }
+ $dir = strip_tags( $dir );
+ return explode( "\n", $dir ); // An array of lines from the url
+function max_parent( $dirpath, $prefix )
+ // First, remove a directory
+ $dirpath = rtrim ( $dirpath, "/" ); // Trim any trailing slash
+ $position = strrpos( $dirpath, "/" );
+ $dirpath = substr ( $dirpath, 0, $position );
+ $lines = http_get_file( $dirpath );
+ $regex_match = "#${prefix}[\d\.]+/#";
+ $regex_replace = "#^.*(${prefix}[\d\.]+)/.*$#";
+ $max = find_max( $lines, $regex_match, $regex_replace );
+ return "$dirpath/$max";
+function get_packages( $package, $dirpath )
+ global $exceptions;
+ global $regex;
+ // Check for ftp
+ if ( preg_match( "/^ftp/", $dirpath ) )
+ {
+ $dirpath = substr( $dirpath, 6 ); // Remove ftp://
+ $dirpath = rtrim ( $dirpath, "/" ); // Trim any trailing slash
+ $position = strpos( $dirpath, "/" ); // Divide at first slash
+ $server = substr( $dirpath, 0, $position );
+ $path = substr( $dirpath, $position );
+ $conn = ftp_connect( $server );
+ ftp_login( $conn, "anonymous", "" );
+ // See if we need special handling
+ if ( isset( $exceptions[ $package ] ) )
+ {
+ $specials = explode( ":", $exceptions[ $package ] );
+ foreach ( $specials as $i )
+ {
+ list( $op, $regexp ) = explode( "=", $i );
+ switch ($op)
+ {
+ case "UPDIR":
+ // Remove last dir from $path
+ $position = strrpos( $path, "/" );
+ $path = substr( $path, 0, $position );
+ // Get dir listing
+ $lines = ftp_rawlist ($conn, $path);
+ $max = find_max( $lines, $regexp, $regexp );
+ break;
+ case "DOWNDIR":
+ // Append found directory
+ $path .= "/$max";
+ break;
+ default:
+ echo "Error in specials array for $package\n";
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $lines = ftp_rawlist ($conn, $path);
+ ftp_close( $conn );
+ }
+ else // http
+ {
+ // Customize http directories as needed
+ if ( $package == "tzdata" )
+ {
+ // Remove two directories
+ $dirpath = rtrim ( $dirpath, "/" ); // Trim any trailing slash
+ $position = strrpos( $dirpath, "/" );
+ $dirpath = substr ( $dirpath, 0, $position );
+ $position = strrpos( $dirpath, "/" );
+ $dirpath = substr ( $dirpath, 0, $position );
+ //echo "$dirpath\n";
+ }
+ if ( $package == "bzip2" ||
+ $package == "mpc" )
+ {
+ // Remove one directory
+ $dirpath = rtrim ( $dirpath, "/" ); // Trim any trailing slash
+ $position = strrpos( $dirpath, "/" );
+ $dirpath = substr ( $dirpath, 0, $position );
+ //echo "$dirpath\n";
+ }
+ if ( $package == "mpfr" )
+ {
+ $dirpath = "http://mpfr.loria.fr/mpfr-current";
+ }
+ if ( $package == "e2fsprogs" ||
+ $package == "expect" ||
+ $package == "flex" ||
+ $package == "tcl" ||
+ $package == "psmisc" )
+ {
+ $dirpath = "http://sourceforge.net/projects/$package/files";
+ }
+ if ( $package == "gcc" ) $dirpath = max_parent( $dirpath, "gcc-" );
+ if ( $package == "util-linux" ) $dirpath = max_parent( $dirpath, "v." );
+ $lines = http_get_file( $dirpath );
+ } // End fetch
+ if ( isset( $regex[ $package ] ) )
+ {
+ // Custom search for latest package name
+ foreach ( $lines as $l )
+ {
+ $ver = preg_replace( $regex[ $package ], "$1", $l );
+ if ( $ver == $l ) continue;
+ return $ver; // Return first match of regex
+ }
+ return 0; // This is an error
+ }
+ if ( $package == "perl" ) // Custom for perl
+ {
+ $tmp = array();
+ foreach ( $lines as $l )
+ {
+ if ( preg_match( "/sperl/", $l ) ) continue; // Don't want this
+ $ver = preg_replace( "/^.*perl-([\d\.]+\d)\.tar.*$/", "$1", $l );
+ if ( $ver == $l ) continue;
+ list( $s1, $s2, $rest ) = explode( ".", $ver );
+ if ( $s2 % 2 == 1 ) continue; // Remove odd minor versions
+ array_push( $tmp, $l );
+ }
+ $lines = $tmp;
+ }
+ // Most packages are in the form $package-n.n.n
+ // Occasionally there are dashes (e.g. 201-1)
+ $max = find_max( $lines, "/$package/", "/^.*$package-([\d\.-]*\d)\.tar.*$/" );
+ return $max;
+function get_current()
+ global $dirs;
+ global $vers;
+ // Fetech from git and get wget-list
+ $current = array();
+ $clfsgit = "git://git.cross-lfs.org/cross-lfs.git";
+ $tmpdir = exec( "mktemp -d /tmp/clfscheck.XXXXXX" );
+ $cdir = getcwd();
+ chdir( $tmpdir );
+ exec ( "git clone --quiet $clfsgit" );
+ chdir( $cdir );
+ $PAGE = "$tmpdir/cross-lfs/BOOK/materials/*chapter.xml";
+ $STYLESHEET = "$tmpdir/cross-lfs/BOOK/stylesheets/wget.xsl";
+ exec( "xsltproc --xinclude --nonet $STYLESHEET $PAGE | uniq", $current );
+ exec( "rm -rf $tmpdir" );
+ foreach ( $current as $line )
+ {
+ $file = basename( $line ) . "\n";
+ if ( preg_match( "/patch$/", $file ) ) { continue; } // Skip patches
+ $file = preg_replace( "/bz2/", '', $file ); // The 2 confusses the regex
+ $file = rtrim( $file );
+ $pkg_pattern = "/(\D*).*/";
+ $pattern = "/\D*(\d.*\d)\D*/";
+ if ( preg_match( "/e2fsprogs/", $file ) )
+ {
+ $pattern = "/e2\D*(\d.*\d)\D*/";
+ $pkg_pattern = "/(e2\D*).*/";
+ }
+ else if ( preg_match( "/tzdata/", $file ) )
+ {
+ $pattern = "/\D*(\d.*[a-z])\.tar\D*/";
+ }
+ $version = preg_replace( $pattern, "$1", $file ); // Isolate version
+ $version = preg_replace( "/^\d-/", "", $version ); // Remove leading #-
+ // Touch up package names
+ $pkg_name = preg_replace( $pkg_pattern, "$1", $file );
+ $pkg_name = trim( $pkg_name, "-" );
+ if ( preg_match( "/bzip|iproute/", $pkg_name ) ) { $pkg_name .= "2"; }
+ if ( preg_match( "/^m$/" , $pkg_name ) ) { $pkg_name .= "4"; }
+ $dirs[ $pkg_name ] = dirname( $line );
+ $vers[ $pkg_name ] = $version;
+ }
+function mail_to_clfs()
+ global $date;
+ global $vers;
+ global $dirs;
+ $to = "kb0iic@berzerkula.org";
+ $from = "William Harrington <kb0iic@berzerkula.org>";
+ $subject = "CLFS GIT Package Currency Check - $date GMT";
+ $headers = "From: William Harrington <kb0iic@berzerkula.org";
+ $message = "Package CLFS Upstream Flag\n\n";
+ foreach ( $dirs as $pkg => $dir )
+ {
+ //if ( $pkg != "tzdata" ) continue; //debug
+ $v = get_packages( $pkg, $dir );
+ $flag = ( $vers[ $pkg ] != $v ) ? "*" : "";
+ // Pad for output
+ $pad = " ";
+ $p = substr( $pkg . $pad, 0, 15 );
+ $l = substr( $vers[ $pkg ] . $pad, 0, 8 );
+ $c = substr( $v . $pad, 0, 10 );
+ $message .= "$p $l $c $flag\n";
+ }
+ //echo $message;
+ mail( $to, $subject, $message );
+function html()
+ global $date;
+ global $vers;
+ global $dirs;
+ echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN'
+ 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd'>
+<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xml:lang='en' lang='en'>
+<title>CLFS GIT Package Currency Check - $date</title>
+<style type='text/css'>
+h1, h2 {
+ text-align : center;
+table {
+ border-width : 1px;
+ border-spacing : 0px;
+ border-style : outset;
+ border-color : gray;
+ border-collapse : separate;
+ background-color: white;
+ margin : 0px auto;
+table th {
+ border-width : 1px;
+ padding : 2px;
+ border-style : inset;
+ border-color : gray;
+ background-color: white;
+table td {
+ border-width : 1px;
+ padding : 2px;
+ border-style : inset;
+ border-color : gray;
+ background-color: white;
+<h1>CLFS GIT Package Currency Check</h1>
+<h2>As of $date GMT</h1>
+<tr><th>CLFS GIT Package</th> <th>CLFS GIT Version</th> <th>Latest</th> <th>Flag</th></tr>\n";
+ // Get the latest version of each package
+ foreach ( $dirs as $pkg => $dir )
+ {
+ $v = get_packages( $pkg, $dir );
+ $flag = ( $vers[ $pkg ] != $v ) ? "*" : "";
+ echo "<tr><td>$pkg</td> <td>${vers[ $pkg ]}</td> <td>$v</td> <td>$flag</td></tr>\n";
+ }
+ echo "</table>
+get_current(); // Get what is in the book
+//html(); // Write html output
diff --git a/create-commands.sh b/create-commands.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f61d0be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/create-commands.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+# Set which arch you want to build
+# alpha mips mips64 mips64-64 ppc ppc64 ppc64-64 sparc sparc64 sparc64-64 x86 x86_64 x86_64-64
+# Double check the CLFS_TARGET variable with the book.
+# Books other than x86 won't need this, but set this anyway
+# The reason is the book commands expect the user to edit the
+# CLFS_TARGET variable for the x86 book. Check if the target book
+# requires CLFS_TARGET to be edited. Uncomment if not required.
+# Move to the end of the file and uncommend the CLFS_TARGET sed
+# If this can be commented and the book commands will set CLFS_TARGET.
+# Set paper size for GROFF: A4 or letter
+#Set ZONEINFO to the time zone file to be copied to /etc/localtime
+# /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago for example.
+CMDSDIR=/mnt/clfs/sources/commands/$ARCH # Directory with dumped book commands
+SRCDIR=/mnt/clfs/sources # Directory for the created scripts
+#===========BEGIN VERSION VARIABLES==============
+if [ "$ARCH" == "" ]; then
+ echo "ARCH is not set. Please set a proper ARCH variable."
+ echo -e "alpha mips mips64 mips64-64 ppc ppc64 sparc sparc64 sparc64-64 x86 x86_64 x86_64-64\n"
+ exit
+for build in cross-tools temp-system testsuite-tools final-system; do
+ if [ -e $SRCDIR/$build.sh ]; then
+ rm $SRCDIR/$build.sh
+ fi
+ echo -e "#!/bin/bash\n\n" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo -e "set -e\n" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ if [ "$build" == "final-system" ]; then
+ echo -e "set +h\n" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ fi
+ if [ "$build" == "cross-tools" -o "$build" == "temp-system" ]; then
+ echo "source $HOME/.bashrc # this would be the clfs user's .bashrc if following the" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo " # CLFS book and using the clfs user." >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ fi
+ if [ "$build" == "testsuite-tools" -o "$build" == "final-system" ]; then
+ echo -e "if [ -f /root/.bash_profile ]; then\n source /root/.bash_profile\n # this would be the root user's .bash_profile\n # if following the CLFS book and using the booted root user\n # or chrooted root user during multilib builds.\nfi" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ fi
+ echo -e "mkdir -pv $SRCDIR/stamps\n\n" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ if [ "$build" == "temp-system" ]; then
+ echo -e "source ~/.bashrc\n" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ fi
+ cd $CMDSDIR/$build &&
+ for file in `echo *`; do
+ pkg=`echo $file | sed 's/[0-9][0-9][0-9]-//'`;
+ echo -e "#===========$pkg===============\n" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo -e "if [ ! -e \"stamps/$file\" ]; then" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ case "$pkg" in #Insert package extract and cd into source commands
+ "aboot")
+ echo "tar xf aboot-$ABOOT.tar.xz && cd aboot-$ABOOT" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "arcload")
+ echo "tar xf arcload-$ARCLOAD.tar.xz && cd arcload-$ARCLOAD" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "autoconf")
+ echo "tar xf autoconf-$AUTOCONF.tar.xz && cd autoconf-$AUTOCONF" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "automake")
+ echo "tar xf automake-$AUTOMAKE.tar.xz && cd automake-$AUTOMAKE" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "bash")
+ echo "tar xf bash-$BASH.tar.xz && cd bash-$BASH" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "bc")
+ echo "tar xf bc-$BC.tar.xz && cd bc-$BC" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "binutils")
+ echo "tar xf binutils-$BINUTILS.tar.xz && cd binutils-$BINUTILS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "bison" | "bison-64bit" | "bison-n32")
+ echo "tar xf bison-$BISON.tar.xz && cd bison-$BISON" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "bootscripts")
+ echo "tar xf bootscripts-$BOOTSCRIPTS.tar.xz && cd bootscripts-$BOOTSCRIPTS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "bzip2" | "bzip2-64bit" | "bzip2-n32")
+ echo "tar xf bzip2-$BZIP2.tar.xz && cd bzip2-$BZIP2" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "cflags")
+ echo "sed -i '/unset CFLAGS/d' ~/.bashrc" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo "sed -i '/unset CXXFLAGS/d' ~/.bashrc" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo "sed -i '/CLFS_HOST/d' ~/.bashrc" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo "sed -i '/CLFS_TARGET/d' ~/.bashrc" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo "sed -i '/CLFS_TARGET32/d' ~/.bashrc" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo "sed -i '/CC/d' ~/.bashrc" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo "sed -i '/CXX/d' ~/.bashrc" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo "sed -i '/AR/d' ~/.bashrc" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo "sed -i '/AS/d' ~/.bashrc" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo "sed -i '/RANLIB/d' ~/.bashrc" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo "sed -i '/LD/d' ~/.bashrc" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo "sed -i '/STRIP/d' ~/.bashrc" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo "sed -i '/BUILD32/d' ~/.bashrc" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo "sed -i '/BUILDN32/d' ~/.bashrc" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo "sed -i '/BUILD64/d' ~/.bashrc" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo "sed -i '/GCCTARGET/d' ~/.bashrc" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "choose")
+ echo "echo \"If the following command fails, you won't be able to chroot with your host machine. Read the choose to boot or chroot section for more information.\"" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "check")
+ echo "tar xf check-$CHECK.tar.xz && cd check-$CHECK" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "cloog" | "cloog-64bit" | "cloog-n32")
+ echo "tar xf cloog-$CLOOG.tar.xz && cd cloog-$CLOOG" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "colo")
+ echo "tar xf colo-$COLO.tar.xz && cd colo-$COLO" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "coreutils")
+ echo "tar xf coreutils-$COREUTILS.tar.xz && cd coreutils-$COREUTILS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "dejagnu")
+ echo "tar xf dejagnu-$DEJAGNU.tar.xz && cd dejagnu-$DEJAGNU" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "dhcpcd")
+ echo "tar xf dhcpcd-$DHCPCD.tar.xz && cd dhcpcd-$DHCPCD" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "diffutils")
+ echo "tar xf diffutils-$DIFFUTILS.tar.xz && cd diffutils-$DIFFUTILS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "dvhtool")
+ echo "tar xf dvhtool_$DVHTOOL.orig.tar.xz && cd dvhtool-$DVHTOOL" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "e2fsprogs" | "e2fsprogs-64bit" | "e2fsprogs-n32")
+ echo "tar xf e2fsprogs-$E2FSPROGS.tar.xz && cd e2fsprogs-$E2FSPROGS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "eglibc" | "eglibc-64" | "eglibc-64bit" | "eglibc-n32")
+ echo "tar xf eglibc-$EGLIBC.tar.xz && cd eglibc-$EGLIBC2" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "elf2aout")
+ echo "tar xf elf2aout-$ELFTOAOUT.tar.xz && cd elftoaout-$ELFTOAOUT" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "eudev" | "eudev-64bit" | "eudev-n32")
+ echo "tar xf eudev-$EUDEV.tar.xz && cd eudev-$EUDEV" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "expect")
+ echo "tar xf expect$EXPECT.tar.xz && cd expect$EXPECT" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "file" | "file-64bit" | "file-n32")
+ echo "tar xf file-$FILE.tar.xz && cd file-$FILE" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "findutils")
+ echo "tar xf findutils-$FINDUTILS.tar.xz && cd findutils-$FINDUTILS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "flex" | "flex-64bit" | "flex-n32")
+ echo "tar xf flex-$FLEX.tar.xz && cd flex-$FLEX" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "gawk")
+ echo "tar xf gawk-$GAWK.tar.xz && cd gawk-$GAWK" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "gcc" | "gcc-static" | "gcc-final")
+ echo "tar xf gcc-$GCC.tar.xz && cd gcc-$GCC" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "gettext" | "gettext-64bit" | "gettext-n32")
+ echo "tar xf gettext-$GETTEXT.tar.xz && cd gettext-$GETTEXT" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "gmp" | "gmp-64bit" | "gmp-n32")
+ echo "tar xf gmp-$GMP.tar.xz && cd gmp-$GMP" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "grep")
+ echo "tar xf grep-$GREP.tar.xz && cd grep-$GREP" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "groff")
+ echo "tar xf groff-$GROFF.tar.xz && cd groff-$GROFF" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "grub")
+ echo "tar xf grub-$GRUB.tar.xz && cd grub-$GRUB" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "gzip")
+ echo "tar xf gzip-$GZIP.tar.xz && cd gzip-$GZIP" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "hfsutils")
+ echo "tar xf hfsutils-$HFSUTILS.tar.xz && cd hfsutils-$HFSUTILS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "iana-etc")
+ echo "tar xf iana-etc-$IANAETC.tar.xz && cd iana-etc-$IANAETC" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "iproute2")
+ echo "tar xf iproute2-$IPROUTE2.tar.xz && cd iproute2-$IPROUTE2" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "iputils")
+ echo "tar xf iputils-$IPUTILS.tar.xz && cd iputils-$IPUTILS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "isl" | "isl-64bit" | "isl-n32")
+ echo "tar xf isl-$ISL.tar.xz && cd isl-$ISL" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "kbd")
+ echo "tar xf kbd-$KBD.tar.xz && cd kbd-$KBD" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "kmod" | "kmod-64bit" | "kmod-n32")
+ echo "tar xf kmod-$KMOD.tar.xz && cd kmod-$KMOD" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "less")
+ echo "tar xf less-$LESS.tar.xz && cd less-$LESS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "libee" | "libee-64bit" | "libee-n32")
+ echo "tar xf libee-$LIBEE.tar.xz && cd libee-$LIBEE" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "libestr" | "libestr-64bit" | "libestr-n32")
+ echo "tar xf libestr-$LIBESTR.tar.xz && cd libestr-$LIBESTR" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "libtool" | "libtool-64bit" | "libtool-n32")
+ echo "tar xf libtool-$LIBTOOL.tar.xz && cd libtool-$LIBTOOL" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "linux" | "linux-headers")
+ echo "tar xf linux-$LINUX.tar.xz && cd linux-$LINUX" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "m4")
+ echo "tar xf m4-$M4.tar.xz && cd m4-$M4" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "make")
+ echo "tar xf make-$MAKE.tar.xz && cd make-$MAKE" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "man")
+ echo "tar xf man-$MAN.tar.xz && cd man-$MAN" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "man-pages")
+ echo "tar xf man-pages-$MANPAGES.tar.xz && cd man-pages-$MANPAGES" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "mpc" | "mpc-64bit" | "mpc-n32")
+ echo "tar xf mpc-$MPC.tar.xz && cd mpc-$MPC" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "mpfr" | "mpfr-64bit" | "mpfr-n32")
+ echo "tar xf mpfr-$MPFR.tar.xz && cd mpfr-$MPFR" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "ncurses" | "ncurses-64bit" | "ncurses-n32")
+ echo "tar xf ncurses-$NCURSES.tar.xz && cd ncurses-$NCURSES" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "parted")
+ echo "tar xf parted-$PARTED.tar.xz && cd parted-$PARTED" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "powerpc-utils")
+ echo "tar xf powerpc-utils_$POWERPCUTILS.tar.xz && cd pmac-utils" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "patch")
+ echo "tar xf patch-$PATCH.tar.xz && cd patch-$PATCH" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "perl" | "perl-64bit" | "perl-n32" | "temp-perl")
+ echo "tar xf perl-$PERL.tar.xz && cd perl-$PERL" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "pkg-config")
+ echo "tar xf pkg-config-$PKGCONFIG.tar.xz && cd pkg-config-$PKGCONFIG" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "procps" | "procps-64bit" | "procps-n32")
+ echo "tar xf procps-$PROCPS.tar.xz && cd procps-$PROCPS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "psmisc")
+ echo "tar xf psmisc-$PSMISC.tar.xz && cd psmisc-$PSMISC" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "readline" | "readline-64bit" | "readline-n32")
+ echo "tar xf readline-$READLINE.tar.xz && cd readline-$READLINE" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "rsyslog")
+ echo "tar xf rsyslog-$RSYSLOG.tar.xz && cd rsyslog-$RSYSLOG" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "sed")
+ echo "tar xf sed-$SED.tar.xz && cd sed-$SED" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "shadow")
+ echo "tar xf shadow-$SHADOW.tar.xz && cd shadow-$SHADOW" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "silo")
+ echo "tar xf silo-$SILO.tar.xz && cd silo-$SILO" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "sysvinit")
+ echo "tar xf sysvinit-$SYSVINIT.tar.xz && cd sysvinit-$SYSVINIT" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "tar")
+ echo "tar xf tar-$TAR.tar.xz && cd tar-$TAR" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "tcl")
+ echo "tar xf tcl${TCL}-src.tar.xz && cd tcl$TCL" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "texinfo")
+ echo "tar xf texinfo-$TEXINFO.tar.xz && cd texinfo-$TEXINFO2" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "util-linux" | "util-linux-64bit" | "util-linux-n32")
+ echo "tar xf util-linux-$UTILLINUX.tar.xz && cd util-linux-$UTILLINUX" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "vim")
+ echo "tar xf vim-$VIM.tar.xz && cd vim$VIM2" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "xz" | "xz-64bit" | "xz-n32")
+ echo "tar xf xz-$XZ.tar.xz && cd xz-$XZ" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "yaboot")
+ echo "tar xf yaboot-$YABOOT.tar.xz && cd yaboot-$YABOOT" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "zlib" | "zlib-64bit" | "zlib-n32")
+ echo "tar xf zlib-$ZLIB.tar.xz && cd zlib-$ZLIB" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ esac
+ cat $file >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ case "$pkg" in #Insert source / build directory removal commands
+ "aboot")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf aboot-$ABOOT" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "arcload")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf arcload-$ARCLOAD" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "autoconf")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf autoconf-$AUTOCONF" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "automake")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf automake-$AUTOMAKE" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "bash")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf bash-$BASH" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "bc")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf bc-$BC" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "binutils")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf binutils-$BINUTILS binutils-build" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "bison" | "bison-64bit" | "bison-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf bison-$BISON" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "bootscripts")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf bootscripts-$BOOTSCRIPTS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "bzip2" | "bzip2-64bit" | "bzip2-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf bzip2-$BZIP2" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "check")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf check-$CHECK" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "cloog" | "cloog-64bit" | "cloog-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf cloog-$CLOOG" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "colo")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf colo-$COLO" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "coreutils")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf coreutils-$COREUTILS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "dejagnu")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf dejagnu-$DEJAGNU" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "dhcpcd")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf dhcpcd-$DHCPCD" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "diffutils")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf diffutils-$DIFFUTILS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "dvhtool")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf dvhtool-$DVHTOOL.orig" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "e2fsprogs" | "e2fsprogs-64bit" | "e2fsprogs-n32")
+ echo "cd ../../ && rm -rf e2fsprogs-$E2FSPROGS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh
+ ;;
+ "eglibc" | "eglibc-64" | "eglibc-64bit" | "eglibc-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf eglibc-$EGLIBC2 eglibc-build" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "elftoaout")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf elftoaout-$ELFTOAOUT" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "eudev" | "eudev-64bit" | "eudev-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf eudev-$EUDEV" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "expect")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf expect$EXPECT" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "file" | "file-64bit" | "file-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf file-$FILE" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "findutils")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf findutils-$FINDUTILS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "flex" | "flex-64bit" | "flex-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf flex-$FLEX" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "gawk")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf gawk-$GAWK" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "gcc" | "gcc-static" | "gcc-final")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf gcc-$GCC gcc-build" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "gettext" | "gettext-64bit" | "gettext-n32")
+ if [ "$build" == "temp-system" ]; then
+ echo "cd ../../ && rm -rf gettext-$GETTEXT" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ else
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf gettext-$GETTEXT" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "gmp" | "gmp-64bit" | "gmp-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf gmp-$GMP" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "grep")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf grep-$GREP" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "groff")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf groff-$GROFF" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "grub")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf grub-$GRUB" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "gzip")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf gzip-$GZIP" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "hfsutils")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf hfsutils-$HFSUTILS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "iana-etc")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf iana-etc-$IANAETC" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "iproute2")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf iproute2-$IPROUTE2" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "iputils")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf iputils-$IPUTILS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "isl" | "isl-64bit" | "isl-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf isl-$ISL" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "kbd")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf kbd-$KBD" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "kmod" | "kmod-64bit" | "kmod-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf kmod-$KMOD" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "less")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf less-$LESS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "libee" | "libee-64bit" | "libee-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf libee-$LIBEE" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "libestr" | "libestr-64bit" | "libestr-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf libestr-$LIBESTR" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "libtool" | "libtool-64bit" | "libtool-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf libtool-$LIBTOOL" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "linux" | "linux-headers")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf linux-$LINUX" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "m4")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf m4-$M4" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "make")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf make-$MAKE" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "man")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf man-$MAN" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "man-pages")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf man-pages-$MANPAGES" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "mpc" | "mpc-64bit" | "mpc-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf mpc-$MPC" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "mpfr" | "mpfr-64bit" | "mpfr-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf mpfr-$MPFR" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "ncurses" | "ncurses-64bit" | "ncurses-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf ncurses-$NCURSES" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "parted")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf parted-$PARTED" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "powerpc-utils")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf pmac-utils" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "patch")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf patch-$PATCH" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "perl" | "perl-64bit" | "perl-n32" | "temp-perl")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf perl-$PERL" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "pkg-config")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf pkg-config-$PKGCONFIG" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "procps" | "procps-64bit" | "procps-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf procps-$PROCPS" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "psmisc")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf psmisc-$PSMISC" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "readline" | "readline-64bit" | "readline-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf readline-$READLINE" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "rsyslog")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf rsyslog-$RSYSLOG" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "sed")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf sed-$SED" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "shadow")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf shadow-$SHADOW" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "silo")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf silo-$SILO" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "sysvinit")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf sysvinit-$SYSVINIT" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "tar")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf tar-$TAR" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "tcl")
+ echo "cd ../../ && rm -rf tcl$TCL" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "texinfo")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf texinfo-$TEXINFO2" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "util-linux" | "util-linux-64bit" | "util-linux-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf util-linux-$UTILLINUX" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "vim")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf vim$VIM2" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "xz" | "xz-64bit" | "xz-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf xz-$XZ" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "yaboot")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf yaboot-$YABOOT" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ "zlib" | "zlib-64bit" | "zlib-n32")
+ echo "cd .. && rm -rf zlib-$ZLIB" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo -e "touch \"stamps/${file}\"" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ echo -e "fi\n" >> $SRCDIR/$build.sh;
+ done
+sed -i 's@/mnt/clfs@@g' $SRCDIR/{testsuite-tools,final-system}.sh
+# comment the following line if the book being used sets CLFS_TARGET
+#sed -i "s@\[target triplet\]@$CLFS_TARGET@" $SRCDIR/cross-tools.sh;
+echo "Setting ZONEINFO for eglibc in final-system.sh";
+sed -i "s@\*\*EDITME\[xxx\]EDITME\*\*@$ZONEINFO@" $SRCDIR/final-system.sh;
+echo "Setting PAGE for groff paper size in final-system.sh";
+sed -i "s@\*\*EDITME\[paper_size\]EDITME\*\*@$PAGE@" $SRCDIR/final-system.sh;
+echo -e "\nVerify CLFS_TARGET is correct in cross-tools.sh"
+echo -e "\n Verify ZONEINFO data file is correct at eglibc in final-system.sh";
+echo -e "\n Verify PAGE paper size is correct at groff in final-system.sh";
+echo -e "\n Check GMP page in chapter 10 and gmp section in finalsystem.sh";
+echo -e "\n If you don't want checks, remove those commands from final-system.sh";
+echo -e "echo \"Do not forget to set the root password before booting into your new systems. See the shadow instruction page at chapter 10 in the book.\"" >> $SRCDIR/final-system.sh;