path: root/stylesheets/lfs-xsl/chunkfast.xsl
diff options
authorWilliam Harrington <>2014-11-27 16:29:31 -0600
committerWilliam Harrington <>2014-11-27 16:29:31 -0600
commit7df987a652b93d55dd8eca363706d3bacc469b55 (patch)
tree17f84ce0fee76a3a0476b714eae09486ab2470e6 /stylesheets/lfs-xsl/chunkfast.xsl
Initial commit message for lfs live howto.HEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'stylesheets/lfs-xsl/chunkfast.xsl')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stylesheets/lfs-xsl/chunkfast.xsl b/stylesheets/lfs-xsl/chunkfast.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b3d63a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stylesheets/lfs-xsl/chunkfast.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
+$LastChangedBy: manuel $
+$Date: 2007-07-05 23:18:33 +0200 (jeu, 05 jui 2007) $
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:exsl=""
+ xmlns:cf=""
+ version="1.0"
+ exclude-result-prefixes="cf exsl">
+ <!-- Top-level chunked code for fast processing.
+ Import standart customized chunk code.
+ Replaces {docbook-xsl}/xhtml/chunkfast.xsl
+ Note: Using this file as the top-level for chunked output implies that
+ profiling must be done on a previous step. -->
+ <!-- Our master chunking templates -->
+ <xsl:import href="chunk-master.xsl"/>
+ <!-- Use code? 1 = yes, 0 = no -->
+ <xsl:param name="" select="1"/>
+ <!-- The code below was copied as-is from {docbook-xsl}/xhtml/chunkfast.xsl -->
+ <xsl:variable name="chunks" select="exsl:node-set($chunk.hierarchy)//cf:div"/>
+ <xsl:template name="process-chunk-element">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$ != 0 and function-available('exsl:node-set')">
+ <xsl:variable name="genid" select="generate-id()"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="div" select="$chunks[@id=$genid or @xml:id=$genid]"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="prevdiv" select="($div/preceding-sibling::cf:div|$div/preceding::cf:div|$div/parent::cf:div)[last()]"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="prev" select="key('genid', ($prevdiv/@id|$prevdiv/@xml:id)[1])"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="nextdiv" select="($div/following-sibling::cf:div|$div/following::cf:div|$div/cf:div)[1]"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="next" select="key('genid', ($nextdiv/@id|$nextdiv/@xml:id)[1])"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$onechunk != 0 and parent::*">
+ <xsl:apply-imports/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="process-chunk">
+ <xsl:with-param name="prev" select="$prev"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="next" select="$next"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$onechunk != 0 and not(parent::*)">
+ <xsl:call-template name="chunk-all-sections"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$onechunk != 0">
+ <xsl:apply-imports/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$chunk.first.sections = 0">
+ <xsl:call-template name="chunk-first-section-with-parent"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="chunk-all-sections"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:template>