diff options
authorWilliam Harrington <kb0iic@berzerkula.org>2020-03-20 20:37:52 -0500
committerWilliam Harrington <kb0iic@berzerkula.org>2020-03-20 20:37:52 -0500
commitb2f7aeb15bd20efc266971368ac74117fdc30bb5 (patch)
parentd184eba02aecfd2872163b8afdf58469e595435f (diff)
Add hello world for HD44780 LCD with LCD/VFD board configured for M68 mode.
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/addon/sb_vfd/lcd_m68_HD44780.bas b/addon/sb_vfd/lcd_m68_HD44780.bas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9276fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addon/sb_vfd/lcd_m68_HD44780.bas
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+10 GOSUB 4000 : REM initialize
+20 GOSUB 4100 : REM cursor off
+30 T$ = "Hello, World"
+40 GOSUB 4500 : REM print string
+999 GOTO 999
+4000 OUT 0, &H38 : REM 2 lines, 8-bit
+4020 GOSUB 4299
+4030 OUT 0, &H0F : REM Display on, cursor blinking
+4040 RETURN
+4099 REM turn cursor off
+4100 OUT 0, &H0C : REM display on, cursor off
+4110 RETURN
+4299 REM clear screen
+4300 OUT 0, &H01 : REM Clear display screen
+4310 RETURN
+4399 REM goto X, Y
+4400 DA = &H80 + (&H40 * Y) + X
+4410 OUT 0, DA
+4420 RETURN
+4499 REM print string
+4500 FOR I=1 to LEN(T$)
+4510 OUT 1, ASC(MID$(T$, I, 1))
+4520 NEXT I
+4530 RETURN